Tuesday 15 April 2008

Situation in Kosovo is better now

After the independence of Kosovo, the ethnic Serbian minority in the country start clashing with the UN police and NATO's troops (which is named as KFOR).

Especially the 4 weeks after the independence, tansion was extremely high. Several UN police officers and KFOR troops were injured during clashes with Serb protesters in Kosovo's ethnically divided town of Mitrovica. It was the worst violence since Kosovo declared independence.

According to CNN, there were reports of possible gunfire and some grenades used against UN police and KFOR, said UNMIK spokesman Alexander Ivanko in Pristina, country's capital.

After several weeks, the situation seems better now. Although from time to time the tension may rise again, it's easy to say people of Kosovo are getting used to the idea of living in Kosovo not in Serbia or Yugoslavia.

Source: setimes.com

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