Wednesday 16 April 2008

Serbia is pushing for elections in Kosovo

Although Kosovo is officially recognised as a sovereign country. Serbia -whom doesn't recognised Kosovo's independence- Serbia said that it intends to hold local elections in Kosovo next month.

There were warnings that the vote would violate UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and thereby would be illegal.

According to setimes, UNMIK chief Joachim Ruecker insists only the UN has the right to conduct elections in Kosovo. However, he has said Serbia could help organise UN-run local elections in Serb-dominated municipalities this year, and he acknowledged Belgrade's right to conduct parliamentary elections in Kosovo.

"Local elections of Serbia in Kosovo would be illegal based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244," he wrote in response to a letter by Serbia's Minister for Kosovo, Slobodan Samardzic, that disclosed Belgrade's plans to hold elections in Kosovo. "However, parliamentary elections may take place."


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