Friday 11 April 2008

A brief history of the Kosovo Conflict

Kosovo was one of the biggest problems in Balkan region since 1389, when the Ottoman Empired fought against Serbs in today's Kosovo Polje.

Both armieslost their Kings in this war. Serbian King Lazar has been killed during the fight, Ottoman Sultan Murat, has been assasined just after the war by a Serbian called Obilic. Obilic was killed there in the point immediately.

After this war, Ottomans started controlling Balkan region until 19th century. After this date, Kosovo has been under te control of Serbian, Croation Slovenian Kingdom, then under Yugoslavia. Kosova was not one of the federal countries in Yugoslavia but it was an autonomus region such as Vojvodina in North Serbia.

After the collapse of Former Yugoslavia, Serbs carried on controlling the region. Region was under control of Serbs but it's population was mostlly Albanians.Until 1999, when Kosovar Albanians start fighting against Serbs.

NATO was involved in this war as well. Several Serbian targets has been bombed by NATO forces.

In 1999 UN start ruling the region. Until February 17th 2008. The time which Kosovo declared it's independence.

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